The havanera

What we now understand as HABANERAS, is the fruit of a long and difficult series of historical events. The first thing that comes to our

Minds, is the island of CUBA and mainly in the catalan coast, it is                 

true also that in all the Spanish coast, the influence of a trade between

SPAIN and CUBA , we find the presence of HABANERA in a many popular songs.


The presence of HABANERA in Mediterranean coast, in sea shantley particularly also we can find, for example in Naples is the popular song “O SOLE MIO” .


The origin  of HABANERA is without doubt the Cuban

CONTRADANZA, musical form derived, from Continental

European CONTRADANZA , introduced on Cuba by the French in the mid nineteen century. Along with LA GAVOTA WHO and PASPIÉ

Were the rhythms of fashion in all social meetings and parties aristocratic.

This CONTRADANZA was very cultivated by Cuban composers



During the nineteen century,  who adopted two different metrics to the staff, a 6/8 and the other 2/4, from the first we can find

LA GUAJIRA, LA CLAVE and LA CRIOLLA,  and from the second born EL DANZON and LA HABANERA.